poetry and more from Kenneth W Arthur

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Unearthing self with a golden shovel

Unearthing self with a golden shovel after Mary Oliver As they traverse the land of whoever, the frightened leave breadcrumbs. You who find yourselves disillusioned are welcome in this magical realm where no possibility is forbidden. Only the matter of… Continue Reading →

Love Heals

I’m excited that my poem “Love Heals” was published in issue 7 of Pensive: A Global Journal of Spirituality & the Arts. Download or read for free at https://pensivejournal.com/. 

In the Woods

Update: 2023 poetry winners are now posted online. Read my poem “In the Woods” at https://www.westminsterartfestival.org/copy-of-2022-poetry. Very pleasantly surprised that my poem “In the Woods” won third prize in the poetry category at the local Westminster Art Festival. I think… Continue Reading →

The Final Coastline

The Final Coastline (After the image “Lighthouse at the Edge of the World” by G.G. Silverman) Answers must be there. Somewhere. Weathered. Wary. With insight of pleasure endured, agony relished. But life feels like a stranger’s memory, a blurry-eyed drunk… Continue Reading →

Learning to drink

Learning to drink Having learned about sex mostly from my parents’ small stash of pornography, they weren’t much help when it came to drinking. There was rarely alcohol in the house. I had tried alcohol, of course, a swig of… Continue Reading →

Ode to a Comforter

Ode to a Comforter Spirits of martyred geese, beautiful honking shitting machines, haunt my dreams on long cold nights envelop me in warmth. ©2017 Kenneth W. Arthur

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