poetry and more from Kenneth W Arthur

Tag death

3:45 pm, April 27, 2021

3:45 pm, April 27, 2021 Then the Divine Energy formed a creature from the dirt of the earth and breathed into its nostrils the breath of life and the creature became a living being. (Genesis 2:7) The call had come… Continue Reading →

Riding a bicycle in a war zone

Riding a bicycle in a war zone   The photo only shows a muddied hand extended from jacket’s blue sleeve palm up in the rubble strewn street fingers curled, nails polished bright red. It was enough. Seeing the image, her… Continue Reading →

Let’s Dance

Let’s Dance And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance to joy of heavenly hymns, flying unfettered with nary a glance at body’s prison. Legs spellbound with shame no longer, free to be flung wide…. Continue Reading →


Resurrection Embrace death in all that is earthbound as we rush ever closer to the brink. Rejoice in the puckering stink of leafy litter rotting on the ground, remnants of autumn forests once crowned in grand hues. Time demands of… Continue Reading →

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