poetry and more from Kenneth W Arthur

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Love Heals

I’m excited that my poem “Love Heals” was published in issue 7 of Pensive: A Global Journal of Spirituality & the Arts. Download or read for free at https://pensivejournal.com/. 

In the Woods

Update: 2023 poetry winners are now posted online. Read my poem “In the Woods” at https://www.westminsterartfestival.org/copy-of-2022-poetry. Very pleasantly surprised that my poem “In the Woods” won third prize in the poetry category at the local Westminster Art Festival. I think… Continue Reading →

Borders are in Season

Borders are in Season For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven… a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace. – Ecclesiastes 3 Creation… Continue Reading →

Growing Up

Growing Up A child giggles with glee. Bubbles float chasing chasing bubbles caught Pop! Gone. Bubbles, giggles, a child with glee.   A youth disdainfully grasps futility within soapy spheres. Futility bursts fragile bubbles. Futility grasps a youth disdainfully.  … Continue Reading →

Alternative Facts: Escher meets Kafka

Alternative Facts: Escher meets Kafka Hooded walkers circle the courtyard stairwell intent on mysterious missions, ascending, descending, never arriving. Hoods up. Get in Line. Eyes straight ahead. Ascending patriots on the left, Descending on the right. Others watch amazed, amused…. Continue Reading →

River or Rock?

River or Rock? (in memory of Orlando: June 12, 2016) The ghost of childhood winters chills the summer heat, skipping across the field behind Bingham Elementary, stopping on mounds of plow driven snow where laughing twelve year olds once gathered…. Continue Reading →

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